Sunday, June 21, 2015

Gumbo Has Landed!

Gumbo is here!

We brought him home this past Thursday afternoon on a day that was over 100 degrees here in So Cal. Welcome to summer. As we drove home we could see the billowing clouds of smoke from the Lake fire in the nearby San Bernardino mountains burning all the dried lumber it could. This is a bad fire this early in the season.

Gumbo sat, or should I say wiggled, in my wife's lap the whole hour drive home. He's at that wonderful mouthing stage that I completely forgot. It was all my wife could to to keep from getting completely chewed up by those wonderful puppy teeth. I'm convinced that the Pentagon should be looking into puppy teeth for their next round of weaponry.

He's taken to his new home remarkably well. The first night was a memorable one. We learned that he has a very good set of lungs on him. After we turned out the lights for the night, we heard sounds coming from him that I'm sure were the same sounds in the Exorcist movie. Boy! That was a fun night. Since then, he's been quiet every night. What a change!

He has taken to his crate right away even without our prodding. With our last Jack Russell, we just used an X-pen with newspapers and pillows. This time we're getting serious and trying to be real honest-to-goodness Jack Russell owners by using a crate. He seems to love it and that makes us feel much better!

His home here is in our kitchen which has undergone much puppy-proofing on a daily basis. I've forgotten all the wonderful things they like to chew on. He's working on the edge of the refrigerator now. I haven't figured out how to deal with that but stay tuned and we'll see. Next step is to hawk-proof our yard!

1 comment:

  1. He's not kidding when he warns, "I'm convinced that the Pentagon should be looking into puppy teeth for their next round of weaponry."
