Saturday, December 12, 2015

Raising a Jack Russell Puppy

Our little Gumbo is now 8 months and 2 weeks old.  He is changing for the better!  His play biting has really lessened.  We were afraid that he'd grow up and be vicious--just what every dog owner fears.

He likes to cuddle and sit on our laps with his favorite toys.  He doesn't like when we get up to leave--he wants more, more, more!  He is so soft.  He is a smooth-coated Jack Russell and it feels just like fleece or silk when we pet him.  We're happy that he finally holds still long enough so that we can pet him instead of constantly snapping at our hands whenever we'd tried to lay a hand on him in the past.

He has a funny new trick.  He gets his rope toy and spins around like a whirling dervish.  He stops midpoint in his rotation and goes counter-clockwise. He never seems to get dizzy either.

He's doing better with the house-training; but still has accidents every once in a while.  His new thing is that he likes to bring rocks from the garden into his dog bed.  He loves chewing on them; that is until we take the rock away from him, lest he choke on it!

He's gaining weight and is much bigger than our other Jack Russell.  Maybe it's because I give him a scoop of ice cream everyday--do you think?  He also gets peanut butter in his Kong Toy; plus lots of Pupperoni's.

We opened up another area in the backyard for him to run around in.  As everyone knows, Jack Russells need lots of exercise.  Every once in a while, he'll hear some noise he doesn't like and gets the zoomies, where he runs around the circumference of the yard at his top speed like a deranged cartoon character.  Imagine Milo in the "The Mask" and you'll know just what we mean.

We are slowly letting him into more rooms in the house.  We want him to be a companion dog and be by our side all the time, but he has such a problem with chewing still.  He loves chewing on table legs, floor boards, kitchen cabinets, and everything else he can get away with.  We're hoping this is going to end soon.  He's already gotten into a bookshelf of my husband's cookbooks and started chewing and shredding them.  He's such a little stinker.  Our kitchen is now stripped down and minimalist.  Speaking of cookbooks, here's one he has bitten into and it has his name on it, too!  No wonder he thought it was okay to take a bite.

New Orleans Cookbook 
Aptly Called "Gumbo Tales"